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Trail Tutorials: fashion, home renovations and the circular economy.
As part of Spring’s festival of pre-loved stuff, Garage Sale Trail and Cowra Council present the Trail Tutorials; a series of inspiring and educational talks all about sustainable fashion and renovations.
Prepare to be dazzled as BARRY DU BOIS (Network Ten’s The Living Room) hosts this lively discussion on the next frontier in home renovations.
Featuring a panel of power couples - home renovation experts KYAL & KARA DEMMRICH (from Nine Network’s The Block) and sustainability entrepreneurs ELENA & TIM SILVERWOOD (founder of New Future Folk and co-founder of Take 3 for the Sea and Ocean Impact Organisation) you’ll find out why renovating with the planet in mind doesn’t just feel good but looks and lives pretty spesh too.
You’ll hear how these fabulous folk are transforming homes from drab to fab using a combination of mindset, imagination and low impact materials and principles.
Link to:
Sessions are free to attend and hosted on Zoom.