Waste and recycling collection Access recycling collection calendars and information for Cowra Township and Cowra Shire Villages.
Fees and Charges The cost of Council's waste services and bins for this financial year can be found on this page
Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) Find out more about Council's Materials Recycling Facility including the current price list, location and hours.
Cowra Community Recycling Centre (CRC) Find out more about the Cowra Community Recycling Centre, which facilitates the collection of household problem wastes including batteries, fluorescent lamps, paints, smoke detectors, gas cylinders and oils.
Village Recycling Stations Find out more about the Woodstock and Gooloogong transfer stations including opening hours.
Garage Sale Trail Learn more about Garage Sale Trail, Australia’s festival of pre-loved stuff, encouraging residents to sell, shop and learn about the circular economy.
NetWaste WASTE2ART Competition The Recycled Art for Cowra Award (RAFCA) is an initiative of the Cowra Tidy Towns Committee.RAFCA is about creating art from recycled materials. There is a different theme for the competition every year, with awards presented in a range of categories.