Annual Permits - Non desexed Cats & Dangerous/Restricted Dogs
The NSW Government has introduced annual permits for non-desexed cats and Dangerous/Restricted Dogs as part of its commitment to promoting responsible pet ownership and improving animal welfare standards.
Annual permit fees will go directly to the Companion Animals Fund which pays for companion animal management by local councils including pounds/shelters, ranger services, dog recreation areas, and education and awareness programs.
The fund is also used to operate the NSW Pet Registry and to carry out responsible pet ownership initiatives.
From 1 July 2020 owners of cats not desexed by four months of age will be required to pay an annual permit in addition to their one-off lifetime pet registration fee.
This will create a stronger incentive to desex cats, which in turn will improve their health and wellbeing, including reducing the risk of some cancers.
Improving desexing rates will also ease the burden on pounds and shelters, reduce euthanasia rates, and help to address concerns about feral, stray and roaming cats and their effect on wildlife.
Exemptions are in place for cats that are registered by 1 July 2020, those kept for breeding purposes by members of recognised breeding bodies, and cats which cannot be de-sexed for medical reasons.
Anyone registering a cat on the NSW Pet Registry will be informed that they must pay for an annual permit if their animal is not de-sexed by four months of age.
The Government has also made a one-off $10 reduction to the lifetime cat registration fee to encourage higher registration rates and adoption of cats from pounds and shelters.
How can I avoid paying the annual permit fee?
- Join a recognised cat breeding body, if you are a breeder
- Desex your cat by four months of age
- Request an exemption certificate from your vet if your cat is unable to be desexed
For more information visit the Office of Local Government website at
From 1 July 2020 owners of dogs of a restricted breed or formally declared to be dangerous will be required to pay an annual permit in addition to their one-off lifetime pet registration fee.
This will serve as a further disincentive to owning high-risk dogs and encourage owners to better manage the behaviour of their animal, to improve community safety and to reduce dog attacks.
How can I avoid paying the annual permit fee?
- Don’t own a restricted dog
- Manage your dog’s behaviour to ensure that it’s not declared dangerous
What breeds are restricted?
- Pit bull terrier
- American pit bull terrier
- Japanese tosa
- Argentinian fighting dog
- Brazilian fighting dog
- Canary mastiff
A dog can also be declared to be one of, or a cross-breed of, one of these restricted breeds.
What is a dangerous dog?
Dogs of any breed can be formally declared dangerous by a council or court if the dog, without provocation, has attacked or killed a person or animal, repeatedly threatened to attack or repeatedly chased a person or animal, or is kept or used for hunting.
For more information visit the Office of Local Government website at
From 1 July 2020, pet owners will be able to pay for annual permits using the NSW Pet Registry website or through their local council.
Pet owners who fail to obtain an annual permit risk an on-the-spot fine of
- $700 for a restricted or dangerous dog
- $400 for a non-desexed cat
If taken to court, the following maximum penalties may apply:
- $6,600 for a restricted or dangerous dogs
- $5,500 for a non-desexed cat