Cowra Shire community feedback welcomed on 2023/2024 Operational Plan

Published on 16 May 2023

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Cowra Shire Council’s Operational Plan and Long Term Financial Plan are now on display for the public to view and provide their feedback. The plans include Council’s Integrated Delivery Program 2022-2023 to 2025-2026; Operational Plan 2023/2024 and Long Term Financial Plan 2022-2023 to 2031-2032.

Cowra Shire Council Mayor Bill West said these plans provide a clear path for Council’s operations.

“The plans provide a map for Cowra Shire Council’s activities and also determine how Council works towards the Delivery Program objectives,” Cr West said.

Council’s commitment to planning and delivering on long-term infrastructure projects remains a top priority in the 2023-2024 financial year, with a number of key projects currently in various stages of planning including the Wyangala Water Treatment Plant construction, flood mitigation works and sewer systems for West Cowra, a North-South link bridge to minimise traffic congestion, the Cowra Rail line (Blayney to Demondrille) and Cowra Aquatic Centre asset renewal.

“Council has always had an emphasis on continuing to improve infrastructure development,” Cr West said.

Some of the other objectives Council will aim to deliver include:

  • Advocate for a 24-hour Police Station in Cowra;
  • The Drought Security Project – Billimari Borefield;
  • Continuing to work with the NSW Government in planning for the redevelopment of Cowra Hospital;
  • Sourcing funding for projects identified in the adopted strategic plan;
  • Advocate for initiatives that provide greater security for water supply in the shire such as the proposed raising of the Wyangala Dam Wall;
  • Lobbying the NSW Government for improvements to the state-owned road network within the shire.

“These initiatives work in conjunction with Council’s existing projects and services,” said Mayor West.

“Strong leadership and being fiscally responsible has allowed Council to plan for the orderly improvement and/or replacement of major infrastructure such as this, while continuing to provide high-quality services for the community and maintain assets,” Cr West added.

“Council encourages the Cowra community to read through these plans, and feel free to ask any questions and provide us with feedback over the next few weeks,” he concluded.

The documents are available on Council’s website here(PDF, 6MB).

The documents will be on public exhibition in the foyer of Cowra Shire Council, 116 Kendal Street Cowra, during ordinary office hours, 8.30–4.30pm Monday–Friday until Thursday June 15, 2023. Copies are also available for viewing at Cowra Library during office hours and copies have also been sent to all of Shire’s village associations.

All submissions regarding this plan must be made in writing to the General Manager, Cowra Shire Council, Private Bag 342, Cowra 2794, or via email to


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