It is compulsory to vote in the election if you are eligible to do so. Information about how to enrol can be found here.
If you own property in the Cowra region but do not live here or you are an occupier or rate-paying lessee you can have a say in who is elected to Council by asking to be included on the Non-residential roll.
More information about non-residential rolls can be found here
Cowra Shire Council is now updating its non-residential roll. To be included, please use the form for individuals or the form for joint, corporate or trustee owners by 6pm Monday 5 August 2024.
Click here to fill out the form for INDIVIDUAL owners, occupiers and ratepaying lessees(DOCX, 32KB) .
Click here to fill out the form for nomination of an elector by JOINT/SEVERAL, corporate or trustee owners, occupiers or ratepaying lessees
lg-127n-non-residential-roll-nominee-application-template.docx(DOCX, 46KB)