2024 Cowra Housing Strategy Project
Published on 18 December 2024
Cowra Council is pleased to announce the public exhibition of the Draft Cowra Housing Strategy, developed with funding support from the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.
The exhibition of the document is a key milestone and the result of nearly 12 months of project work.
A Housing Strategy is a strategic planning exercise that investigates the key issues and trends impacting on housing supply in our local area, explores local housing preferences, supply and demand, and makes recommendations for changes and updates to government policy impacting housing in our community. Ultimately, the Housing Strategy will set out a long term plan for housing growth within the Cowra shire.
The Draft Cowra Housing Strategy focuses on the Cowra township and the shire’s eight villages. A series of recommendations have been made for housing in residential, large lot residential and village locations, as well as recommendations for housing connected to other important locations such as our commercial centre, and within future growth precincts. The Draft Cowra Housing Strategy seeks to provide guidance on key issues relating to social and affordable housing, housing affordability, housing diversity and supporting infrastructure.
To commence the project, Cowra Council consulted widely, including the release of a community survey, together with conversations that included government agencies, utility and service providers, local businesses and community organisations, as well building and development industry sector stakeholders. The public exhibition phase gives Council the opportunity to re-engage with these same stakeholders, and hear from other interested persons in our community.
The Draft Cowra Housing Strategy will be on public exhibition for an extended period of 7 weeks from 20 December 2024, to 7 February 2025. Council has decided that an extended exhibition is required to give our residents enough time to review the project accounting for the Christmas holiday period.
Council invites all interested persons to review the Draft Cowra Housing Strategy and provide their feedback. The exhibition documents can be viewed at Cowra Council’s Customer Service Centre and the Cowra Library during normal business hours, or downloaded from the public exhibition section on Cowra Council’s website. Cowra Council
will be hosting a pop up shop at Squire Park from 28 to 31 January 2025. Guiding information on providing feedback can be found on Council’s website.
For more information on the project, please contact Council’s Environmental Services Department on (02)6340 2040 or visit Council’s website.
CSC-Media-Release-2024-Housing-Strategy-Project.pdf(PDF, 109KB)