Council’s main number 02 6340 2000 is operational. Additional work is still required before direct phone numbers can be dialled. Please use the main number until further notice. Alternatively, you can email:
The Cowra Civic Centre regularly hosts live performances, cinema screenings, civic events, balls and seminars. The centre has two spaces - the main auditorium seating 335 people and the theatrette seating up to 80 people. Located on Wiradjuri Country in Central West NSW, the Cowra Civic Centre was officially open December 5, 1969. The first performance took place on 18 March, 1970 - a production of Sweeney Todd, a play performed by the Cowra Musical & Dramatic Society as part of the Festival of Lachlan Valley (now known as the Festival of International Understanding). Since then the venue has gone on to host live performances, civic events, film screenings, balls and even a wrestling match.
104 Darling Street, Cowra 2794 View Map
104 Darling Street , Cowra 2794
Please visit the Cowra Civic Centre Website for more information.