Political donations and gifts

The Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2008 requires the public disclosure of donations or gifts when lodging an application with Council or commenting on development proposals. This law is designed to improve the transparency of the planning system.

The law introduces disclosure requirements for individuals or entities with a relevant financial interest as part of the lodgement of a development application, or requests to initiate changes to planning controls and regulations.

Disclosure requirements also apply to individuals or entities lodging submissions in objection or support to the above types of proposals.

If you would like to learn more about political donations and gifts, please refer to the Disclosure of political donations and gifts - Guidelines(PDF, 128KB)  – prepared by the NSW Department of Planning & Infrastructure.

If you're not sure whether you need to make a disclosure, please refer to the FAQ's below:




Political donations and gifts disclosure statement(PDF, 122KB)