Council’s main number 02 6340 2000 is operational. Additional work is still required before direct phone numbers can be dialled. Please use the main number until further notice. Alternatively, you can email:
This section of the website site has been created to provide the development industry, business operators, community groups and residents with access to important information relating to building and developing land in the Cowra Shire.
Please click on the relevant topic headings to begin exploring.
Find out more about BASIX, the Building Sustainability Index. Every development application for a new home must be submitted to Council with a BASIX Certificate.
The Community Participation Plan sets out the processes that Council will use to notify the Community of opportunities to provide feedback on planning matters being considered by the Cowra Shire Council.
Find out more about the DA Code of Planning Practice, which sets pathways for the lodgement, assessment and processing of development applications.
Find out more about Section 94, Section 94A, and Section 64 contributions.
Find out more about Cowra Council's planning proposal plan in this section.
Find out more about information regarding Fires Safety Schedules/Annual Fire Safety Statements and Fire Safety Practitioners.
Find out more about properties that possess a unique historical, scientific, cultural, social, archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic value and are recognised through heritage listing.
Find out more about the local and state planning controls.
Find out more about installing, modifying, operating existing, and/or registering an on-site sewage management systems.
Access information, policies and forms regarding Section 138 applications.
Find out about the disclosure of donations or gifts when lodging an application with Council or commenting on development proposals.
Find out more about swimming pool safety, approvals, compliance certificates and laws.
Planning Agreements are a tool that allows planning authorities and developers to work together to deliver innovative infrastructure outcomes.