Council’s main number 02 6340 2000 is operational. Additional work is still required before direct phone numbers can be dialled. Please use the main number until further notice. Alternatively, you can email:
View all Development Applications currently on public exhibition.
Generally, if you are proposing to use land, subdivide land, erect a building, carry out work or undertake demolition, you will require approval from Council. Use the information in this section of the website to help you determine the approval requirements for your proposal.
This page contains information regarding Pre-Development Applications, the Development Application process, Development Applications recently determined and a guide to the DA process.
Access important information relating to building, development and trading in the Cowra Shire. Including; Local planning requirements, permits, heritage, regulations, etc
Access the DA Tracking Portal, used to track the progress of a Development Application that has been lodged with Cowra Council.
Find out more information about Planning Certificates, Outstanding Notice Certificates, Building Certificates and Rating Certificates.