Council’s main number 02 6340 2000 is operational. Additional work is still required before direct phone numbers can be dialled. Please use the main number until further notice. Alternatively, you can email:
Council will often have documents or policies on public exhibition. These documents can be reviewed at Council's Customer Service Centre or alternatively, on this page. If no documents are listed on this page, there may be no public exhibition at present.
Documents on public exhibition are firstly endorsed at a council meeting, then placed on public exhibition, normally for 28 days.
Submissions regarding any documents on public exhibition can be made in writing before 4.30pm of the public exhibition to:
The General Manager Cowra Shire Council Private Bag 342 COWRA NSW 2794
Or, via email to
To access any documents on public exhibition, please see the links below, noting close of exhibition date.
20250212_Exhibition-Notice_Draft-PoM_Bellevue-Hill.pdf(PDF, 120KB)
20250211_R84154_Draft PoM Bellevue_Feb 2025 Exhibit.pdf
Attachment 5 - All Infrastructure Images - 06.12.2024.pdf
Attachment 6 - Native Title Report PoM Bellevue Hill.pdf