Council meetings

The NSW Parliament has passed the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020, comprising a broad range of amendments to existing laws to help combat the spread of the virus. The Bill amends the Local Government Act 1993 to now allow councils to hold official meetings remotely using audio visual links, instead of requiring councillors to be physically present at the meeting.

Cowra Shire Council holds two meetings per month that are open to the public.

General Committee Meetings are held at 5.30pm on the 2nd Monday of each month (subject to change due to Public Holidays). The General Committee is responsible for researching and making recommendations to Council and does so in consultation with senior management and the community. 

Council Meetings are held at 5.30pm on the 4th Monday of each month in the Council Chambers (subject to change due to Public Holidays).

Please find our latest Agenda's and Minutes through the link below

Current Agenda and Minutes


Please find our Archives of 2023 Agenda and Minute's in the tab below.


If you can't find the Agenda or Minutes you are after, please call us on (02) 6340 2000.

How to speak at a Council meeting

Public forum

Community members are able to have their say on topics listed on the agenda for Council and General Committee meetings either in person or by video link. Speakers are required to keep their statement to a limit of five minutes.

If you wish to speak during the public forum section of the meeting (either in-person or using video conferencing), please contact the General Manager's Office by phoning (02) 6340 2013 by no later than midday on the day of the meeting to make arrangements.


View a Council meeting

Members of the public can either attend Council Chambers and sit in the gallery to watch the meeting live, or they can view the meeting on Cowra Shire Council’s YouTube Channel.

Previous Council meetings are also available to watch on this channel.