Council’s main number 02 6340 2000 is operational. Additional work is still required before direct phone numbers can be dialled. Please use the main number until further notice. Alternatively, you can email:
During business hours please use the contact details below.
This includes: water/sewer breaks, trees/spillages on road etc.
(02) 6340 2000
(02) 6340 2070
Roads, water, sewer, assets, parks & gardens, airport, Aquatic Centre etc
(02) 6340 2052
During business hours only.
(02) 6340 2040
Planning & development, Environmental health, Building and Regulatory Services.
(02) 6340 2006
(02) 6340 2013
116 Kendal Street, Cowra NSW 2794
Private bag 342, Cowra NSW 2794
Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm
0419 219 231