Applying for a Position

Applying for Jobs

To apply for a position with Cowra Council, you will need to complete an online application, this will require the following;

  • Complete / answer a series of questions in our online application to address each of the selection criteria
  • Your resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Cover Letter (optional)

Your application is your opportunity to impress the selection panel so make sure your application is:

  • Neatly presented and spell-checked
  • Prepared so that it relates specifically to the position you are applying for
  • Includes your current and correct contact details
  • Lodged by the closing date, which appears at the bottom of each advertisement.


  • Questions are scored by the selection panel, therefore you want to provide detailed responses that sell your skills, experience and motivation for the role.
  • Try to address the questions as concisely as possible.

Always use workplace examples to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, qualities, abilities and experience.

Once you submit your application, you will receive an automatic email that acknowledges the receipt of your application.


  • A selection panel (usually 3 members) will review your application which generally consists of the Manager of the area, the Supervisor of the position advertised or another member from the same team and a Human Resources representative.
  • The shortlisting process usually takes up to two weeks from the closing date of the position, however, if there is a larger than expected number of applicants, this process may take longer.
  • Suitability will then be compared against the other applicants’ and a short list formulated.
  • If you are successful in being shortlisted, you will be contacted by a member of the Selection Panel and invited in for an interview.
  • If your application does not progress to the interview stage you will be advised through an email at the completion of the interviews.


  • You will be asked a set of predetermined job-related questions to determine how well you meet the selection criteria.
  • If the Selection Panel intends to utilise a selection technique other than a straight-forward interview, you will be advised of this when contact is made to arrange the interview.


  • The Selection Panel will contact at least two work related referees for the preferred applicant.
  • The preferred applicant will be asked to attend a pre-employment medical examination, conducted by an external party. This medical examination is conducted at Council’s expense and is designed to assess your physical and functional capacity to perform the position you have applied for.
  • Depending on the position you have applied for you may be required to undergo the following checks:
  1. Working With Children Clearance Check
  2. Criminal Background Check
  3. Qualification Verification Check
  • If you are unsuccessful after attending an interview you will be notified as soon as the preferred applicant has accepted the position.


  • Once all pre-employment checks are completed, the successful applicant will then be provided with a written letter of offer of employment.


As part of the recruitment process, Cowra Council will be collecting information about you. This information is private information for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act. This information ill be included in the recruitment file, and accessed by Council Records Staff and members of the Recruitment Selection Panel.