Council’s main number 02 6340 2000 is operational. Additional work is still required before direct phone numbers can be dialled. Please use the main number until further notice. Alternatively, you can email:
Find out how to contact council during business hours and after hours.
Find out more about Council's departments and senior management, and our vision and values.
Find out more about your Mayor and Councillors. This page contains information about your local representatives and how to contact them.
Find out more about Council meetings including how to speak at a meeting and how to watch a meeting.
Find out more about working for Cowra Shire Council and view our current vacancies.
Find out more about the Cowra Youth Council (CYC), a committee of young people established by Cowra Council in 2011.
Find out more about rates payable to council, payment options and water readings.
Browse a range of Council forms, guides and documents available for download. View any policies, documents and Development Applications on public exhibition.
Access information including financial statements, operational plans, strategic plans, revenue policy, and information provided under the GIPA (Government Information Public Access) Act.