Tenders & Quotes
Cowra Shire Council frequently issues Tenders for the supply of materials, equipment and services. Tenders are advertised and during this time tender documents are available to prospective tenderers from Council Offices.
Tender closing times are strictly adhered to and tenders received after the advertised closing date and time cannot be considered. The format required for submission of tenders is provided in the advertisement and also the tender documents. Failure to submit a tender in the required format may lead to a tender not being considered by Council.
Tenderers are advised to contact Local Government Procurement in relation to any questions relating to the current Tenders. RFT documents may be obtained via the
E-Tendering Portal via Tenderlink.
Cowra Council Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC)
Cowra Council seeks expressions of interest for a suitably qualified and experienced person to appoint as Chairperson of Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) for a 4 year term.
As a critical role to support Council maintaining a strong and healthy governance environment, the Chairperson will be an established leader with a history of senior management and governance experience. The appointment will suit a person of integrity who is able to both form independent judgements and evolve their views as information changes.
The Chairperson will be expected to quickly establish credible and constructive relationships with other Committee Members, Councillors and senior Council staff.
It is intended that an appointment will be made before the next Committee meeting in early May.
To apply, please complete and submit the linked application form, a two page cover letter responding to selection criteria detailed in the information package, and a resume detailing qualifications and experience.
Expressions of interest should be emailed to Alan Dalton, Director Corporate Services, at cowra@cowra.nsw.gov.au
To make further enquiries please contact Alan Dalton by phone at (02) 6340 2006 or by email at alan.dalton@cowra.nsw.gov.au
Linked Documents:-
Application form(PDF, 491KB)
Information pack(PDF, 639KB)
Terms of Reference(PDF, 608KB)
Council's Code of Conduct(PDF, 799KB)