Council’s main number 02 6340 2000 is operational. Additional work is still required before direct phone numbers can be dialled. Please use the main number until further notice. Alternatively, you can email:
Find out more about the economic Development in the Cowra Shire Council and the variety of industries blooming and creating opportunities for the people in this town.
Find out more about why you choose Cowra for you business on this page.
This page contains information about the Population of Cowra Shire, their classification and general information of the town.
Find out more information about the Gross Regional Product and also the percentage distribution in the sectors with ranks.
Find out more about investment opportunities in Cowra, payment schemes, funding programs and rental market in the town
This page contains information about the sectors in which are open for investments, availability of lands and incentive programs in place for investment opportunities.
Find out more about the tenders issued by the Cowra Shire Council and the details about the due dates and applications on this page.